Most telephone service providers will offer a number of different services that you might not know about, and aren’t limited to just more traditional telephony where you would use a fixed handset connected to a telephone line.
Now that internet based services are becoming more and more common, there is a greater level of flexibility when it comes to choosing which service works best for you and your business.
What is VoIP?
VoIP, or Voice over IP, is a way to allow you to make and receive calls using your internet connection. VoIP allows you to connect to a service provider (such as our sister service, Dial 9) via a number of different methods.
You could use an app on your mobile device, software on your computer, or a physical phone. This enables you to handle your business calls from anywhere, without the requirement for a physical line to be installed at fixed premises.
Because VoIP does require a stable internet connection to ensure good call quality (generally WiFi or a fixed cable connection), and an app or device to use it, simpler services can sometimes be better, such as call forwarding.
What is Call Forwarding?
Call Forwarding by its nature, is a much simpler service than VoIP as it just allows you to receive calls through a destination number. All that’s required is a number to receive calls on, such as a mobile. No internet connection or dedicated device (or app) is required, and you just need a good mobile signal to receive calls.
Landline Anywhere’s service is a call forwarding service, and as a result of its simplicity, a business can sign up and have a landline number ready to receive calls within minutes, with no setup required. For £9.95/month you will get a landline number, 1000 minutes of forwarded calls to your mobile, and a voicemail box all included.
When you receive a call, you’ll hear a message explaining that the call is through Landline Anywhere, so you will know that it’s a business call. This also means you can use your existing mobile device and SIM card without having to purchase anything additional just for business use.
Simply head to our website to get started. You’ll be able to choose a local number in your area, or a non-geographic (03) number if you’re offering national services to customers.
To call these numbers will cost the same as any standard landline, and are often free to the caller if they have an appropriate calling tariff in place.
If you have any questions about our call forwarding service, please don’t hesitate to reach out.